Mobile Marketing: The Trends Of 2021 Are Calling

404 DM
2 min readJun 18, 2021

Every time you look at your mobile screen, we are willing to bet that there is almost always some kind of notification or ad popping up, asking you to buy, sell or try something. When competition is so stiff in the market with every brand vying for the number 1 position, the only way to sustain your brand while keeping your existing audience base loyal to it is by keeping up to date with the latest marketing tactics, especially when it comes to mobile marketing, since it is, by far, the easiest way to reach, engage and convert your consumers.

AI Technology

AI technology presents us with several unique marketing opportunities that were not possible in the past, like collecting customer behaviour like never before, tracking an entire marketing funnel or providing ideal feedback. A newer trend that has risen is sentiment analysis, which uses AI to study user interaction and communication by analysing specific words — this provides an in-depth understanding into the intent behind customer feedback (whether it’s positive, negative or neutral). This analysis of the customer’s perceptions of the brand, in turn, makes it easier to maintain the brand reputation, amend certain unfavourable aspects (if any) and draw in more customers (with data-based content strategies).


Though gamification is not entirely a new concept, it has undergone a huge transformation with the introduction of augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) over the past few years. It is especially interesting and exciting to Millennials and Generation Z members, who are always looking for newer and more interesting forms of entertainment on their smartphones — therefore, creating interactive puzzles, social competitions and contests that yield results in a few clicks always draws these demographics in. But, AR and VR technologies are a whole different ball game, aimed at creating immersive experiences that maximize consumer engagement.

Voice Search Optimisation

Voice apps have had a lot of issues in the past like poor aural recognition, slow sound processing and the inability to comprehend requests, but that is not the case anymore. Apps like Cortana, Siri, Google Now and Alexa make searching and requesting the completion of tasks possible with just a few words. It has become so easy to voice search that almost 50% of US-based consumers use voice search to research products before the purchase stage. With the ever-increasing rise in voice-activated devices, the trend of voice-activated searches is expected to expand to the rest of the world in the coming years. Knowing and utilizing upcoming technology and trends will keep your brand ahead of the curve, especially in the realm of mobile marketing. As a form of media marketing that is rapidly growing as marketers get brand new information about its numerous benefits with every passing day, mobile marketing equipped with new concepts and strategies will be a strong determining factor in helping your brand stand out from the crowd.

To catch up with the latest mobile marketing trends and boost the converstion rate for your business, visit 404DM today.



404 DM

404DM is a digital marketing agency which helps businesses grow by creating strategic digital assets.